Four ways to get back in the saddle

Reading this, you may be feeling anxious about the new work year kicking off. Starting back in January, after a gluttonous/festive/family-filled Christmas break, is always a bit of a downer.

Worrying, butterflies, Sunday night blues. Whatever the name, the thing to remember is that it’s normal. Could be a hangover from our school days – wondering what tomorrow may bring, the what-ifs, trying to prepare for something impossible to predict.

So, in the vein of ‘do as I say, not as I do’, and with Blue Monday fast approaching, here are some things I’ll be trying to focus on this month:

Write a list

Yes, comes around time and time again, but maybe that’s because it works?

Get it out of your head, and down on paper/on screen. Seeing something visual is a great way to prioritise and focus. And ticking/crossing something off feels gooooood. Try Google Keep.

Embrace Imposter Syndrome

It’s more common than many people think. According to a 2017 survey, up to a third of millennials suffered with it, and Michelle Obama has recently been opening up about it as well.

It may feel that others are judging you, or thinking a certain way – more than often they have enough of their own shit to deal with! That doesn’t stop the feeling coming up, however. Acknowledge the feeling and ride the worry waves through to the other side.

Prune your Life Garden

Essentially, you only have so much capacity in daily life, so make conscious decisions about what’s important to you, and start taking proactive actions (say no?). See my previous blog.

A few I’m adding in my personal mix this Jan are blogging regularly (I like Wadds’ approach of ‘religiously’ blogging every Sunday) and reading more (less phone after hours, not charging in the bedroom overnight, actually using Pocket properly, and going to bed at 9.30pm should help).

Investigate values

What do you stand for? What does your organisation/brand stand for?

Make sure they are active not passive – you can’t live ‘passion’ or ‘quality’. You can be passionate about a sector or action, or make sure everything you deliver is of the highest quality.

Check out Jackie Le Fevre from Magma Effect for more on this.

Hope those resonate and (potentially) help. Let me know what you think in the comments below, or drop me an email.

Tomorrow/Monday, we go again. Let’s smash it, folks (insert fist emoji).