And now for some good news

Not going to even acknowledge the utter madness that has happened in the last few weeks, yet feel we could all do with seeing some good news – you know, like at the end of Russell Howard’s show.

The BBC ‘Most Read’ (a morning staple for most of us) is a list of warnings and worries, and Twitter has become even more toxic in the last seven days – not great for anyone’s mental wellbeing, let alone for any anxiety sufferers.

There has been good news, and I don’t fully blame the media for the current language of social discourse – it’s a shit time. However, more could be done to balance out the doom and gloom.

With a strict lockdown on the cards, I wanted to share a few recent stories that brought some positivity and faith in human kindness. Feel free to share others/write your own piece to share the love. It’s a tough time, but we’ve got to pull together and be more kind to others.

NB this isn’t a comprehensive list, and I am sure people will have opinions on some of these – this is just to try and inject some positivity, not be a catch-all!

Supporting The NHS

Words fail me. The doctors, nurses, porters, chefs, consultants, pharmacists, receptionists, admin staff, paramedics, GPs, carers, delivery drivers, surgeons, cleaners, call centre operators and more. I’m in awe. These people have put themselves on the front line, and do so with a smile and great humility time and time again.

Thank you NHS Wembley

Thank you, and thank you for stepping up when our country needs you. Furthermore, the private sector and various companies appear to be supporting in their own way, more staff and beds, and making more ventilators and PPE for the NHS.

LOVED THIS: Two teenagers in South Yorkshire have been handing out care packages to vulnerable people

Matty Merry and Sam Hornsby, who are both 17, have been giving out bags containing items such as porridge, toilet roll and teabags to people in the village of Harlington who are self-isolating due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Sam said: "I really advise people to do it if you're actually able to and if you're willing to do it because I think at this moment in time, we really do need to pull together as a community."

Communities pulling together

Online entertainment

Whether it’s a dancing zoo-keeper, love-or--hate -him Joe Wicks’ PE workouts, virtual tours of museums or a cheeky Lando Norris taking virtual F1 to the masses, there is lots of good stuff out there.

And then there are the odder stories, including this one about 100,000 sex toys being given away to women in isolation, from our friends in Canada…

Whatever the next few weeks may bring, be kind to yourself and others, self-isolate, wash your hands, keep healthy, carry on talking to and seeing friends and family (albeit digitally) and hang in there. This isn’t forever.

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