Seven days to go...

As I sit here, beer in hand, I thought it about time I put pen to paper about what the rest of 2020 is looking like for me.

Bar isolation until September (!), I’m reflecting on the decision to leave my current agency and start my own communication consultancy – kicking off in a week’s time.

Of course, my decision took place way back in early February – when coronavirus in the UK was a few cases deep, when 20-second hand washes weren’t a thing, and when we had an idea what day it was. I’d been mulling over making the move for about nine months, and so February was just ‘pressing go’. Little did I know…

Becoming Authentic

For years, I’ve wanted to do my own thing: keeping a list of blog ideas on my phone; having conversations with contacts and former colleagues; and gathering advice, recommendations and tips.

Authentic Comms is simply the next step in this journey and – lockdown and economic hurdles aside – it is a journey I am very excited about.

Yes, launching my own business during one of the biggest challenges this country has faced since WWII may seem daunting, and, yes, two of my key projects were with hospitality businesses that are now paused, but plenty of positive conversations have taken place in the last few weeks, and I’m adapting to future-proof Authentic.

Organisations, brands and people will always need solid strategic comms – focusing the message, diving into the audience, testing channels and, above all, measuring effectiveness. (Check me out, riding this wave of positivity)

I also wanted to take time to say thank you – thank you to my amazing supportive wife, family and friends who have helped me develop this from ideas and notes, and a huge thank you to my wider network of comms people online and IRL who are always helpful, encouraging and selfless in their advice and support. You know who you are.

A big thank you to everyone at CPL too, especially Mike, Sophie and Richard to name but a few, for supporting me through some interesting times, and for teaching me a lot in the last four and half years. Tough decision to move on, but the right time for me.

Bring on the 9th April…

So, over the next week, month, year, look out for a flurry of blog posts, content and projects shared across social, all with a strategic, pragmatic, Authentic approach.

Sign up to the Authentic mailing list below to be kept in touch, and if you (or someone you know) needs comms, marketing or PR support, well, you know what to do...

Stay Home, Stay Safe, and Be Kind,
